Red Grape Tomato Seeds
Ex Tax: ₹45
Product Code: CSR0270
Availability: In Stock
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Product Description
Plant Name: Red Grape Tomato
Sowing Season:
- All Season.
Soil requirements:
- The right type of soil is very important as nutrition is required for the growth of the plant.
- A mix of soil requires Red soil, Vermicompost, and Coco peat in respective ratios (40: 40: 20). Also, add a handful of Neem cake to each pot to keep the soil pest-free.
Container Specification:
- Take Container/Grow bag with minimum 12-inch height.
- Preferably 12X12 Or 15X15 Or 12X15 inch Grow bags or even bigger as per requirement
- Sow your seeds 12-14 cm apart at a depth of 0.5 cm.
- Keep soil moist to speed germination and encourage quick growth.
- Water regularly.
- Germination will take place in 6-8 days
- Plant seedlings two feet apart.
- Pinch off a few lower branches of the transplants, and plant the root ball deep enough so that the remaining lowest leaves are barely above the surface of the ground.
- Harvest in 80-90 days from sowing
Plants Caring:
- Tomatoes need a minimum of 6 hours of sun to produce fruit, but 8 or more hours of sun will produce the best results.
- Water thoroughly to encourage the tomato roots to look for water and nutrients deep in the ground. When watering, soak the soil to a depth of at least 6 to 8 inches.
- The pests that attack tomatoes might cause symptoms like chewed stem, defoliation, holes in leaves, etc. The main pests which prove harmful to the plant are - Aphids, Flea Beetles, Tomato Hornworm, Whiteflies, Blossom-End Rot, Late Blight, Mosaic Virus.
- Check the plants regularly and spray neem oil and Panchagavya to keep the insects away. Add a handful of compost/organic manure every 10-15 days for each pot to make sure the soil has enough nutrition to grow plants.
- Tomatoes can be harvested 60-70 from the sowing of seeds & harvesting season can continue for the next 3 months or so.