Agnastham/Agnastram Liquid Fertilizer To Treat Plants for Insects (1 Ltr)

Agnastham/Agnastram Liquid Fertilizer To Treat Plants for Insects (1 Ltr)

Ex Tax: ₹275
Product Code: CSR0039
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Agnastham/Agnastram liquid Fertilizer : 

Agnastham/Agnastram Liquid Fertilizer is an organic-based pesticide prepared using pure Desi Cow Urine, Tobacco, Garlic and Green Chilli, Bonkolmi leaf paste, and neem leaf paste. 

Agnastham/Agnastram liquid Fertilizer : 

  • Made of pure desi Cow base and natural inputs and 100% chemical-free.
  • Helps gardeners reduce waterborne and insect-transmitted diseases.
  • Kills & controls all types of Pests and Insects effectively
  • Controls pests like APHIDS, THRIPS, MITS and SUCKING PESTS

How to use Agnastham/Agnastram Liquid Fertilizer :

Mix 5ml of Agnsatham/Agnastram in 1 litre of water, spray at the time of vegetative and reproductive growth stages of existing crops to control pests and diseases.
Can be used on crops like cereals, pulses, oilseeds, plantation crops, spices and vegetables.


    Ahan Pratap 28/06/2022

    Swati Pandit 17/05/2022

    Nrisingh Divedi 27/03/2022

    Birjesh Singh 15/02/2022

    Dhyaneshwar Srivastav 05/01/2022

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