
These Terms and Conditions govern the Affiliate Program that is made available by

These Terms and Conditions represent the whole agreement and understanding between and the individual or entity who participates in the Affiliate Program.

Please read this agreement carefully as it represents a legally binding agreement between you and By submitting your application and by your use of the Affiliate Program, you agree to comply with all of the terms and conditions set out in this Affiliate Agreement.

Referral Tracking will provide the Affiliate with specific Referral Links to link advertisements and other marketing content to will track users who have visited these Referral Links using cookies that expire after 30 days. Only users who make a purchase while the cookie is active will be considered referrals of the Affiliate and recorded as such in the Affiliate Dashboard.

The Affiliate is not authorized to modify or alter the Referral Links or the cookies in any way. is not responsible for any tracking or reporting errors that may result from any modifications to the Referral Link or the cookies.

Affiliate Fees and Payouts

Payment will be made through bank transfer once a month as agreed. The Affiliate is responsible for providing with the full and accurate details that are required to remit the Affiliate Fees and are solely responsible for any delays in payment resulting from its failure to do so.


The Affiliate may only display advertisements that contain's logos or service marks in good taste. The Affiliate may not use's logos or service marks in a manner that, in's sole discretion, portrays in a negative light.

The Affiliate will be solely responsible for its own marketing activities. All marketing activities must be professional and in full compliance with all applicable laws. may, without prior notice, require the Affiliate to remove or modify any advertisements at's sole discretion.

Relationship of Parties and the Affiliate are independent contractors. Nothing in this affiliate agreement will create any partnership, employment, representative, agency, or joint venture relationship between the parties. The Affiliate has no authority to act on's behalf.

Termination reserves the right to terminate the Affiliate's participation in the Affiliate Program at any time for conduct that is in material breach of this Affiliate Agreement or for conduct that, in its sole discretion, deems to be harmful to its business or any third party.

Upon termination, the Affiliate will lose access to its Affiliate Dashboard and will forfeit all potential or unpaid Affiliate Fees.